

Coutii Healthy - Akromegali is a disorder that arises because the body of excess growth hormones (growth hormone), which is excessive growth in various tissues of the body, muscles and bones, especially in the feet, hands, and face. This condition is generally caused by a benign tumor on the pituitary gland (pituitary). Increased production of growth hormone can also be caused by tumors in other organs such as the lungs or pancreas, but very rarely.

Akromegali generally terdiagnosa on adult patients aged 40 to 45 years. These conditions include the rare and showing minimal symptoms. Most cases the sufferers know himself stricken with akromegali after all these years. Akromegali can lead to complications that jeopardize life if not treated immediately.

The Cause Of Akromegali

The cause of the akromegali is a high production of growth hormone (GH) produced by the pituitary gland. Ninety-five percent of cases akromegali showed a tumor on the pituitary gland, which is the cause of the increasing production of GH. In rare cases, the offspring could be the trigger factor.

The pituitary gland is located in the lower part of the brain and function produce many important hormones for the body, one of which is the growth hormone (GH). GH triggers the liver in an organ produces insulin-like growth factor I (IGF-I) as growth stimulants of bone and tissue. Excess GH levels will affect the production of IGF-I, trigger abnormal growths in the body's tissues, muscle, and bone.

For patients with pituitary tumors, akromegali may be accompanied by other symptoms, i.e. when the tumor pressing nerves and tissues around the pituitary, or if the tumor also causes excess production of thyroid hormones.

Symptoms Akromegali

Not all conditions akromegali showed significant symptoms directly. The symptoms seen would be different from any sufferer. Some of the symptoms that may be experienced include:

  1. Enlarged hands and feet.
  2. Facial structure changed.
  3. The size of the tongue, nose, and lips engorged.
  4. Tooth structure widens.
  5. Oily skin and rough.
  6. Abnormal skin growth.
  7. Excess sweating, and body odor.
  8. Dizzy.
  9. Limp.
  10. Muscle weakening.
  11. Joint pain and motion ability becomes limited.
  12. The function of decreased vision.
  13. Hoarseness and profound (widening of the vocal cords and sinuses).
  14. Toned snoring while sleeping.
  15. Enlarged cavity (barrel chest).
  16. Disorders of the menstrual cycle in women.
  17. Erectile difficulties in men.

This condition can also lead to important organs of the body such as the liver, kidney, heart, and spleen enlarged, and potentially endangering lives. Meet the doctor immediately or go to the nearest hospital if feel the symptoms above in order to obtain early handling.

Diagnosis Of Akromegali

In diagnosing akromegali, the doctor will first gather information related symptoms and the patient's medical history, including a type of tumor that suffered, changes in body structure, and the treatment that is being lived. After that it will do a follow-up inspection to ensure the diagnosis, such as:

Blood tests. There are two blood tests that can be done, that is the test measuring the levels of GH and IGF-I to know the number of hormones that are produced, and growth hormone suppression test to see the changes and levels of GH response against the granting of glucose.
Scanning. CT scan and MRI is commonly used to check the accuracy of the location of the tumor on the pituitary gland or other organs. X-rays can also be done to check the density and size of bone.

tag : conns syndrome, cushing syndrome, gigantism symptoms

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