

Coutii Healthy - Aktinomikosis is a chronic infectious disease caused by bacteria of the genus Actinomyces. The infection is characterized by centralized or localized swelling at a place, accompanied by the formation of pus resulting from inflammatory processes (supurasi), fibrosis, formation of abscesses, as well as the discharge of liquids containing sulfur granule of pus ( Sinus) on the abscess.

Aktinomikosis are quite rare and infection is local at one place in the body. This is due to Actinomyces bacteria do not have the ability to penetrate the tissues of the body. However, in some cases, the bacteria Actinomyces moves through the tissues of the body although it is very slow.

The symptoms of aktinomikosis quite varies depending on type of infection that occurs. Some kind of aktinomikosis who have been identified are:

  1. Aktinomikosis oral servikofasialis. This type of aktinomikosis infection occurs in the mouth, the oral cavity, jaw, neck, and facial areas. The majority of cases are caused by problems of the oralis aktinomikosis on jaw (e.g. jaw injury) or a problem on the teeth and gums (such as Tartar and tooth decay).
  2. Aktinomikosis torakal. This is a aktinomikosis type of infection that occurs in the lungs or other parts of the respiratory organs. Most infections of the lung caused by an estimated aktinomikosis terhirupnya splash of saliva or contaminated fluid into the respiratory organ of Actinomyces.
  3. Abdominal Aktinomikosis. Aktinomikosis infection that occurs in the abdomen. The causes of the emergence of abdominal aktinomikosis very diverse, one of which is the result of infection of appendectomy (kapada appendicitis).
  4. Pelvic Aktinomikosis. This is an aktinomikosis infection that occurs in the pelvis (hip area). Most of this type of infection sufferer is female due to the spread of bacteria from genital organs towards the pelvis. Aktinomikosis the pelvis often associated with the use of IUD konstrasepsi. Especially if their usage exceeds the time limits recommended by the manufacturer.

The Cause Of Aktinomikosis

The cause of the Actinomyces bacteria are aktinomikosis which is a normal flora of ordinary life in the oral cavity, gastrointestinal tract, and urinary tract. Actinomyces bacteria is bacteria patogenis local commensal facultative who require the ability to penetrate the layers of the mucosa so that can cause disease. Aktinomikosis is often caused by several types of bacteria, good fellow genus Actinomyces or other bacteria. The bacteria Actinomyces israelii and Actinomyces gerencseriae are two of the most common bacteria in the case of aktinomikosis in humans. In addition to these two types of bacteria, the bacteria Actinomyces other types that can be found on the case of aktinomikosis, Actinomyces odontolyticus is among others, Actinomyces meyeri viscous, Actinomyces, Actinomyces turicensis, and Actinomyces radingae . Infections that occur due to Actinomyces tend to appear on the network which is adjacent to the mucous membranes. Some of the things that can increase the likelihood of a person exposed to aktinomikosis among others are:

  1. Age. Most Aktinomikosis occur at the age of 20-60 years.
  2. Guy. Aktinomikosis often occurs in men, with the exception of the pelvic aktinomikosis which tends to occur in women.
  3. Diabetes. 
  4. Immunosuppression. The condition of the person who disturbed immune system causes more easily exposed to aktinomikosis. For example due to HIV infection, chemotherapy, steroid consumption, bisphosphonates, kidney transplantation, or lung transplant.
  5. Consuming alcohol.
  6. Suffered tissue damage. For example due to an injury, surgery, or radiotherapy.
  7. Dental caries or dental hygiene is not maintained properly.
  8. Have a history of abdominal surgery.

tag : sulphur granules, lumee case, sulfur granules, polyangiitis, propylthiouracil, myositis

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