

Coutii Healthy - Bakteremia is a condition when there are bacteria in the bloodstream. In normal circumstances, the number of bacteria get into the bloodstream only slightly and the body's immune system can quickly Act eliminates the bacteria. However, if the bacteria survive long enough in large quantities in the blood stream, this condition can cause serious infection to sepsis. Bakteremia that to result in an infection, the vulnerable experienced people with a weak immune system of the body.

Symptoms Bakteremia

Bakteremia that is only temporary and does not cause infection will not cause symptoms or just cause fevers that can heal on its own without treatment. When the bakteremia result in infection or even to sepsis can cause symptoms, including:

  1. Fever.
  2. Chills.
  3. The heart pounding.
  4. Blood pressure becomes low.
  5. The breath becomes faster.
  6. Digestive disorders, such as diarrhea, vomiting, nausea, and abdominal pain.
  7. The body becomes weak.
  8. Dizzy.
  9. Mental changes, e.g. kebing
  10. The rash all over the body.
  11. Whereas additional symptoms in children can be shown with the attitude that fussy and hard to eat.

The Cause Of Bakteremia

The bacteria get into the bloodstream can go spontaneously as a toothbrush or through food eaten. In addition, the bacteria can enter through the infection in other parts of the body, such as the lung (pneumonia) or the urinary tract. Bakteremia can also occur due to the mounting tool on the body, such as catheters, urine or operating procedures and wound care.

As has been said earlier, bakteremia that occur while not cause a serious infection. However, the vulnerable bakteremia developed into a serious infection, on:

  1. Infants and the elderly.
  2. Sufferers of burns.
  3. Have a weak immune system, for example due to cancer or HIV/AIDS.
  4. Are undergoing treatment that can weaken the immune system, such as chemotherapy.
  5. Recently suffering from infections, such as pneumonia.
  6. Having a chronic disease, like diabetes or heart failure.
  7. Misuse of injection DRUGS.

Diagnosis Of Bakteremia

Determination of bakteremia diagnosis can be made through physical examination and examination of support by doing a culture of blood, a blood sample is placed in a specific media to see the growth of bacteria in the blood. Prior to the examination of culture can be performed a complete blood cell count, blood creep rate, C-reactive protein (CRP), and procalcitonin to see infection in the body. In addition to the examination of blood, urine, stool examination, and x-rays can also be done to find the source of the infection.

Treatment Of Bakteremia

The main goal of bakteremia is to remove the source handling the growing bacteria. Handling can be done through administering antibiotics to overcome bacterial infections. Antibiotic drugs can be given in the form of oral or injection.

If the source of bakteremia thought to derive from the mounting tool on the catheter body such as urine, in addition to giving patients antibiotics, doctors will also pulled it out whenever possible, or replace such equipment. The operation is sometimes also necessary to clean the abscess or infected tissue lifting, if not improved with antibiotics.

Prevention Bakteremia

The prevention of the occurrence of bakteremia needs to be done, especially for vulnerable people suffered infections due to bakteremia. Prevention efforts that can be done is through:

  1. Administering antibiotics before surgery, or prior to the action of the teeth.
  2. Maintenance of cleanliness of the catheter.
  3. Immunization, vaccines such as influenza or pneumonia.

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