

Coutii Healthy - Barotrauma is tissue damage due to the difference in pressure in the body with air pressure around it. The most experienced Barotrauma is a barotrauma of the ear. The condition occurs when the eardrum becomes strained and interested due to the pressure difference in the inner and outer ear.

Under normal circumstances, the air pressure on either side of the eardrum is supposed to be the same, so that it can function properly. Balance the air pressure in the ears is played by the tuba the eustachian which is behind the eardrum. When the fallopian stuffy, there is a pressure difference in the inside and the outside of the ear, so it came to barotrauma. Barotauma is characterized by depressed or eardrum stretched so ear feels pain and dead end so that the hearing will be reduced.

Barotrauma of the ear is also commonly occur when traveling by plane or, also known as media barotitis or aerotitis. Change altitude quickly could trigger barotitis media. The same thing could happen under the water when diving. The deeper the dive, the air pressure will be higher so as to make the ear feels uncomfortable.

Among the most affected ear barotrauma is risky for children and young adults, because their Eustachian tuba is shorter and has a slightly different shape than adults. However, the majority of sufferers of barotrauma can recover fully.

Symptoms Of Barotrauma

Common symptoms that sufferers felt ear barotrauma is dizziness, ear feels full and uncomfortable, as well as reduced hearing or hard of hearing if left without treatment, symptoms grew intense, including:

  1. Ear feels pain.
  2. Injury to the eardrum.
  3. Nosebleed (perdahan on the nose).
  4. Ears buzzing (tinnitus).
  5. Bleeding in the ear.

Cause Barotrauma

Generally barotrauma occur due to changes in altitude, for example when riding, hill climbing, driving on mountain, diving, is near the site of explosion, or being in the hyperbaric oxygen Chamber. In such conditions, the air pressure on the outside of the ear will be much higher so it will hit the eardrum. The eardrum is depressed into this not being able to run a Daybook of voice function well, so your hearing will be impaired. If the pressure difference is not soon stabilized, will appear on the ear pain in the ears.

In addition, the blockage of the eustachian tuba is the second largest cause of barotrauma. Blockage of the eustachian tuba is widely found in people who suffer from allergies, colds, and active infection. Risk factors of barotrauma of the ear in children generally is because their Eustachian tuba sizes smaller than adults so easily thwarted.

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