

Coutii Healthy - Bedbugs, or also known as head lice are parasitic insects mattresses, small-sized red tanned. Bedbugs can bite the skin of humans or animals to suck their blood.

Bedbugs usually lodged in the cracks of the mattress, box Springs, bed rest, bed frame, or other objects around the mattress. Although not harmful and not spreading infectious diseases, lice bites mattress can cause reactions of the body and cause stress psychologically if sustained.

The symptoms and risk factors of Bedbugs

Bedbugs or fleas bite the mattress does not feel pain, but some people will feel a reaction afterward. This reaction can appear several minutes until two weeks after the bite.

Usually the bedbugs bite in this part of the face, neck, arms and hands. Some symptoms of bedbugs bites that generally exist in a person's body are:

  1. Red spots, with blackish red dot in the Center. Usually the spots it in a striped pattern or converging.
  2. Itching.
  3. Bedbugs are generally found in a vehicle or a bustling settlement often alternated residents or passengers, such as:

  • Dorm rooms.
  • Train or bus.
  • Hotel.
  • A shelter.
  • Cruise ships.
  • Shelter the homeless.
  • The apartment complex.

Causes Of Bedbugs

Mite mattress can spread from one place to another by means of "hitchhike" on clothing, bags, furniture, mattresses and cardboard boxes. Bedbugs can easily creep to move between rooms or room.

The presence of bedbugs is also not related to the level of cleanliness of the environment, as required by this insect is a warm environment that has many places to hide.

In addition to the hygiene, the other factors that can increase the risk of getting bedbugs bite namely lice resistance against drug antiserangga mattresses, as well as the high frequency of travel.

Diagnosis Of Bedbugs

Generally diagnosis is done by a doctor through a physical examination on bedbugs bite marks, including evaluating the abnormality on the skin and the perceived symptoms of the patient.

If indeed diagnosed bedbugs bite affected, patients should immediately inspect his residence to find the location of the insect it nested (for example in the cracks of the mattress, furniture, or walls). Patients are likely to have to do an examination of his residence at night, when the bedbugs are active.

Some signs of the presence of bedbugs are as follows:

  1. Stain dark spots, which are usually found on a mattress or bedding. This is a shit stain spots bedbugs.
  2. The rest of the outer skin. Bedbugs changed its skin five times while growing into adulthood. Usually the former outer skin is pale yellow.
  3. Reddish stains such as rust, which usually appear on the sheets where someone accidentally squeeze bedbugs.

Treatment Of Bedbugs

Generally the bedbugs bite scars reddish colored will disappear on its own after one to two weeks. Sufferers can speed healing by means of applying hydrocortisone cream on the skin are bitten or drinking drugs antihistamines (antialergi).

The doctor may also prescribe an antibiotic if the patient is suffering from a skin infection due to scratching the bedbugs bite marks. After the symptoms have already treated, the patient should immediately eradicate bedbugs. This is quite difficult because bedbugs can hide quite well and can live several months without eating.

Prevention Of Bedbugs

There are several ways that you can do to protect yourself from bedbugs bite, among them by pouring the liquid antiserangga, install the antiserangga wire coated with a pesticide permethrin, or wear clothes that cover your skin.

As for the anticipated emergence of bedbugs in your residence, there are several ways that can be done as follows:

  1. Be careful when at the hotel. Please check the bedding in hotel rooms, and put the bag or suitcase on the table rather than on the floor.
  2. Clear the place of residence of a bird's nest or a bat, because bedbugs can take on the body of a bird or bat to move from one place to another.
  3. Check for used goods. If you buy a mattress, a Chair, or sofa, please check carefully before bringing it all into the House. However, we recommend that you avoid buying a used Chair or mattress.

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