
Breast Abscess

Coutii Healthy - Breast abscess is a lump in the breast that are formed due to the gathering of pus and feels pain. Most abscesses appear exactly underneath the layers of skin.

Breast abscess is generally experienced by women aged 18 to 50 years old, especially by mothers who are in the period of breastfeeding. Oftentimes breast abscesses can also appear as a complication of mastitis.

Nursing mothers who suffer breast abscesses are advised to continue to breastfeed her baby. The doctor will probably recommend the use of BREAST pumps to remove the BREAST MILK from the affected breast breast abscess.

Breast Abscess Symptoms

The characteristics of a lump in the case of breast abscesses can be identified from a regular pattern of edge and smooth texture, and tasted dense similar to cysts. In addition to pain, symptoms that also accompanies breast abscess include:

  1. A high fever.
  2. The redness.
  3. The agency feels unhealthy.
  4. The lump feels hot.
  5. The skin around the abscess join to swell.

Causes Of Breast Abscesses

Breast abscess will usually associated with mastitis, an inflammation of the breast that is commonly found in breast feeding which can cause breasts to swell and feels pain. The bacteria can usually cause mastitis are Staphylococcus aureus, which enter into the breast through small cuts or cracks in the nipple. The infection then can occur when bacteria proliferation uncontrollably.

The immune system will send the white blood cells in the infected part of the body to attack bacteria. White blood cells attack also lead to body tissues in the infected bacteria come into death, so that it appears a small hollow sacs. Pus that comes up is a mixture of body tissues of dead, white blood cells, and bacteria. If the infection continues, then the lumps can be enlarged and increasingly feels the more pain.

There are two types of breast abscesses, namely:

  1. Abscess of breastfeeding (lactation). Formed at the edge of the breast, usually at the top.
  2. Abscesses in non-lactating women (non-lactation). Will usually appear around the areola (the dark-colored around the nipple) or the bottom of the breast.
  3. Some of the factors that can magnify the risk of women affected by breast abscess is smoking, never exposed to rabies, have diabetes, infected with the HIV virus, do the piercing in the nipple, or are undergoing treatment which suppresses durability the body.

tag : american cancer society, postpartum breast pain, metastatic breast cancer, mastitis cream, breast cancer brochure

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