


The Sense Of The Buran
Coutii Healthy - Buran or urticaria is a reaction of the skin characterized by red or white stripes that feels itchy. These stripes may appear in one part of the body or spread to other parts of the body. The size and shape of the stripes can vary from a few millimeters up to of the hand. One of the common causes of Buran is allergic.

In addition to itch, rash on the case of Buran could also feels stung or stinging. These rashes can appear in all parts of the body, including the face, lips, tongue, teggorokan, and ears. Symptoms of Buran could last for a few hours or days.

There are different types of uritkaria. Urticaria that happens for less than six weeks is referred to as acute urticaria. In addition, there are also cases of urticaria that lasts more than six weeks, or are recurrent for several months or even years. A rare condition known as chronic urticaria. Chronic urticaria can be just a symptom of another disease that is being suffered, such as thyroid disease or lupus.

In addition to the acute and chronic urticaria, there were also referred to as physical urticaria and dermatografisme. Physical urticaria caused by physical stimulation directly on the skin, such as the stimulation of hot or cold temperatures, sunlight, pressure, vibration, or sweat. While the dermatographism is a skin condition that is formed after scratching the skin.

Buran is itself a condition commonly experienced by everyone at all ages. However, the Buran occur more frequently in children and women at the age of 30-60 years. In addition, people who have a history of allergies were also more at risk to experience it.

The cause of the Buran or Urticaria

The appearance of stripes on the skin are triggered by high levels of histamine and other chemical compounds released by the layers under the skin, causing tissue swelling. Histamine can sometimes cause leaking of fluid plasma from the blood vessels, so the fluid buildup or angioedema. Excess fluid is also a cause of skin swollen and itch. The release of histamine which causes the Buran can be triggered, among other things:

The following are some of the things that can cause the onset of Buran:

  1. Exposure to heat or cold.
  2. Contact with a trigger or cause allergies (e.g. insect bites).
  3. Certain drugs (such as antibiotics and drugs a bitter taste nonsteroid)
  4. Infections (e.g. influenza).
  5. The exact cause of urticaria is uncertain. However, several factors can also aggravate existing symptoms, among them is the consumption of alcohol or caffeinated drinks, stress, hot air and temperature.

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