
Kidney Stones


Understanding Kidney Stones
Coutii Healthy - Diseases of the kidney stones or nefrolitiasis is a condition when the hard material resembling stone formed in the kidneys. The material comes from the rest of the waste substances in the blood that are filtered by the kidneys that then settles and crystallizes over time.

In most cases, Kidney stone disease experienced by people aged 30-60 years. An estimated 10 percent of the women and 15 percent of men ever experience this condition during their lives.

Deposits of the stone in the kidney could be caused by food or other underlying health problems. Based on its kind, kidney stones are divided into four, namely calcium stones, stones of uric acid stones, struvit, and cystine stones.

Symptoms of kidney stones

Symptoms due to a kidney stone will not normally be felt if the Kidney stone sufferer are very small so that it can exit the body naturally through the ureter. The ureters are tubes that connect the kidneys with the bladder.

The symptoms are a result of the new kidney stone can be felt if the stone is larger than the diameter of the channel of the ureter. A large stone would rub together with a layer of the wall of the ureter causing irritation and even cuts. Therefore, urine can sometimes contain blood. Besides irritate the ureter, kidney stones can also be trapped in the ureter or urethra (channel end disposal of urine) so the accumulation of bacteria and can cause swelling due to infection. Symptoms of a kidney stone that can appear when rock rub together with ureters which are pain in the lower abdomen, waist or crotch aside, and that can be accompanied by nausea.

While symptoms can be felt if a kidney stone sufferers experiencing kidney infection of which urine looks cloudy and foul-smelling, body limp, chills, and fever.

Kidney stone sufferers in Indonesia

According to data collected Ministry of health Indonesia (Kemenkes) in the year 2013, estimated the prevalence of terdiagnosa Kidney stone sufferers to above 15 years of age was of 0.6 percent of the total population of Indonesia. Five provinces which occupy the highest positions in Kidney stone disease problems which are in Yogyakarta, Aceh, West Java, Central Java, and Central Sulawesi.

A diagnosis of kidney stones

In diagnosing kidney stones, usually first of all doctors will ask patients about about the symptoms that have been experienced. The doctor may also ask whether the patient ever suffered from kidney stones before, have a family history of the same, or whether diseased patients often consuming foods or supplements can trigger the formation of kidney stones.

After the information is gathered, the doctor will usually perform a number of tests to strengthen evidence. These tests can be an examination of urine, blood, and inspection scanning (e.g. ultrasound, x-rays, CT scans, and intravenous urogram/IVU)

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