
Whooping Cough

Coutii Healthy - Whooping cough or pertussis is a bacterial infection in the lung and respiratory tract that is easy to rub off. This disease can be life threatening when it occurs on the elderly and children, particularly infants who are not yet old enough to get a pertussis vaccine.

Whooping cough can be recognized from the barrage of hard coughs continuously beginning a long breath through the mouth (whoop). A person can suffer from whooping cough for up to three months, so that the disease is also commonly called the "hundred days cough".

Whooping cough can make the sufferer's lack of oxygen in his blood. Moreover, it can happen to a variety of complications, such as pneumonia. Even in some cases, the ribs were a result of sufferers cough that is very hard.

Whooping cough can spread quickly from person to person. Thus, the pertussis vaccine is necessary to prevent a person affected by this disease.  The bacteria cause whooping cough is usually spread through the liquid that comes out when the sufferer is coughing or sneezing.

Symptoms Of Whooping Cough

Generally, the symptoms of whooping cough will appear between the 7-21 day after the bacteria Bordetella pertussis respiratory tract go in person. The development of the symptoms of whooping cough, there are three stages, especially in infants and young children, namely:

  1. The first stage (early symptoms). This stage is characterized by the appearance of mild symptoms, such as runny nose and congestion, sneezing, watery eyes, sore throat, mild cough, and fever. This stage can last up to two weeks, and it is this stage sufferers at risk of infecting whooping cough to the people around him.
  2. The second phase (period paroksismal). This stage is characterized by meredanya all the symptoms of the flu, but the cough grew worse and thus uncontrollable. It is this stage occur in hard coughing continuously beginning a long breath through the mouth (whoop). After bouts of coughing, sufferers can experience vomiting, generally in infants and children, as well as fatigue. This stage can last two to four weeks or more.
  3. The third stage (convalescence). At this stage, the sufferer's body began to improve. However, the symptoms of whooping cough can remain there or even harder. The recovery phase this can take up to two months or more, depending on the treatment.

Here are some of the conditions that should immediately accept the handling of doctor:

  1. 0-6 of the month-old baby who looks very unhealthy.
  2. Sufferers of difficulty to breathe.
  3. Sufferers experience serious complications, such as seizures or pneumonia.
  4. Emits when breathed.
  5. Vomiting due to severe whooping cough.
  6. The body becomes flushed or turn blue.

The Cause Of Whooping Cough

Bordetella pertussis bacteria that spreads through the air is the cause of the occurrence of whooping cough on someone. These bacteria get in and then attack the airway walls of sufferers and releasing toxins.

Swelling of the airway is one way the body reacts to the toxins are released. Airway swelling can make the sufferer must breath through the mouth with powerful because of difficulty breathing. The result is this powerful breath which gave rise to the sound dengkingan (whoop). How else will the body when bacteria infect the respiratory tract wall is by producing mucus is thick, then respiratory tract responds to try the thick mucus by coughing.

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