
Headache Of Tense

Coutii Healthy - The tense is a type of headache headaches that taste is often described as the binding rope firmly on the head. This condition can be experienced by anyone at any age, but is more common in adult women. Even though it is quite annoying, but most are not tense headaches too severe, so the sufferer still able to do daily activities.

Symptoms Of Headache Of Tense

Symptoms of headache of tense is generally in the form of pain and distress in your forehead, both sides of the head, or the back of the head. Other symptoms that may appear are:

  • Head pain when getting up from lying down.
  • Pain in the muscles.
  • Restless, disturbed concentration, as well as sensitivity to light or noise.
  • Have difficulty sleeping or waking up easily when sleeping.
  • The pain feels worse on the scalp, Temple, neck, back, and shoulders.
  • The muscles of the scalp, neck, and shoulder tender.

Tense headaches may occur occasionally arise constantly disappear or arise throughout the day. The duration of the perceived pain can occur for 30 minutes up to one week. However, if the frequency of pain more than 15 days in a month, for at least 3 months in a row, then the disorder can be classified as chronic headache of tense.

Different tense headaches with migraines. When someone is experiencing migraines, physical activity may aggravate the condition and follow the symptoms of nausea, vomiting, or impaired vision. But in the tense headaches, physical activity does not make this condition becomes more severe.

Tense headaches do not require medical handling if only occasionally occur. However, it can indicate a serious problem if:

  • Appears after an accident, especially if there is a clash of heads.
  • It comes suddenly and cause a severe headache.
  • Accompanied by nausea and vomiting, stiff neck, fever, and daze
  • Accompanied by a sense of weakness, speech is not clear, and numbness.

Causes and Trigger factors of Headache of tense

The cause of the headache is strained until now is unclear, but the condition is thought to occur when the muscles of the face, scalp and neck become tense or experiencing contractions. among other things:

  • Stress or pressure (either physical or psychological abuse), as well as anxiety.
  • Dehydration.
  • Hunger.
  • Less rest or fatigue.
  • The rays of the sun shining.
  • Noise.
  • Certain scents.
  • Bad posture.
  • Less active or not much exercise.
  • Consuming too much caffeine, alcohol, or smoking.
  • Other conditions, such as flu, disorders of the teeth, or strain on the eyes.

A Diagnosis Of Headache Of Tense

A diagnosis of headache of tense can be performed after a patient describes symptoms of headache is experienced. The doctor will ask the characteristics and location of the headaches that occur, as well as the level of intensity of the perceived pain patients. After understanding the patient's symptoms, the doctor may proceed with the examination of physical and neurological patients.

In order to find out the cause of the headache occurs, the doctor can perform a scan on the head. Through examination of MRI and CT scan, the doctor can detect whether the cause of headache of tense is a serious condition, such as a tumor.

Treatment Of Headache Of Tense

Treatment of headache of tense aims to overcome the symptoms as soon as possible, and prevent recurrence of headaches. Tense headaches not including sickness and can be addressed at home by:

  • Perform relaxation. Relaxation can be membantumeredakan tense headaches associated to stress. Relaxation can be done through exercise, yoga or massage on the head.
  • Compresses of warm water. Compress the forehead and neck to relieve headaches.

If handling yourself at home could not relieve the headache of tense, then the sufferer can consume drugs pain reliever sold freely, such as paracetamol. These medications should be consumed in use according to the instructions on the packaging.

The tense for headaches that can not be addressed with medications pain reliever sold freely on the market, or headache is severe, both strained the doctor will prescribe medications, such as antidepressants, venlafaxine, trisiklik, mirtazapine anticonvulsants, or muscle, such as the pelemas drug tizanidine.

To prevent the tense ongoing headache, sufferers should implement a healthy diet, exercising regularly, the rest with pretty, as well as keeping the weight off.

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