Hirschsprung's Disease
Coutii Healthy - Hirschsprung's disease is a disorder that occurs in the large intestine (colon). The disease usually appears as a congenital condition in newborns. Infants who suffer from Hirschsprung's disease often bowel difficulties due to disorders of the nerve cells that control movement of the bowel functioning.
In normal conditions, the intestines will move constantly to push the stool (fecal leftovers) towards the anus. In people with Hirschsprung's disease, a nerve that is in charge of controlling the movement was not working, causing the stool caught in the intestine. The failure of this nerve can cause problems such as constipation, infection, swelling in the stomach, and other intestinal problems.
In the case of Hirschsprung's disease which belongs to light, the conditions might not be detected until the baby entered the childhood. This case may also be experienced by adults, but is very rare. Hirschsprung's disease sufferers often have to traverse a surgical procedure to cure this disease.
According to research results, baby boy has a risk of Hirschsprung's disease experience a greater than the baby girl. In addition, if a person never had biological children who experienced the Hirschsprung's disease, children who were born after it also suffered from the same condition-risk. The reason, Hirschsprung's disease is indeed very concerned with heredity and congenital abnormalities.
A baby who suffered complications of Hirschsprung's disease potentially experiencing severe intestinal infection form called meconium plugs. The condition can be life threatening and the sufferer must quickly got medical handling. Sufferers usually have to undergo the procedure of colonic cleansing and use antibiotic drugs prescribed by the doctor.
Hirschsprung's disease can also be detected when a baby enters the childhood. The symptoms of Hirschsprung's disease in children include:
In normal conditions, the intestines will move constantly to push the stool (fecal leftovers) towards the anus. In people with Hirschsprung's disease, a nerve that is in charge of controlling the movement was not working, causing the stool caught in the intestine. The failure of this nerve can cause problems such as constipation, infection, swelling in the stomach, and other intestinal problems.
In the case of Hirschsprung's disease which belongs to light, the conditions might not be detected until the baby entered the childhood. This case may also be experienced by adults, but is very rare. Hirschsprung's disease sufferers often have to traverse a surgical procedure to cure this disease.
The Cause Of Hirschsprung's Disease
Hirschsprung's disease occurs when nerve cells in the large intestine is not completely formed. These cells function in control of contraction that moves feces through the intestines. In the absence of such contractions, the stool will be trapped in the colon. The cause of the damage to nerve cells is still unclear. In some cases, this disease occurs because of hereditary factors or is caused by a genetic mutation.According to research results, baby boy has a risk of Hirschsprung's disease experience a greater than the baby girl. In addition, if a person never had biological children who experienced the Hirschsprung's disease, children who were born after it also suffered from the same condition-risk. The reason, Hirschsprung's disease is indeed very concerned with heredity and congenital abnormalities.
A baby who suffered complications of Hirschsprung's disease potentially experiencing severe intestinal infection form called meconium plugs. The condition can be life threatening and the sufferer must quickly got medical handling. Sufferers usually have to undergo the procedure of colonic cleansing and use antibiotic drugs prescribed by the doctor.
Symptoms Of Hirschsprung's Disease
Symptoms of Hirschsprung's disease varies greatly, depending on the level of keparahannya. Generally, the symptoms of this condition can be directly detected around the first two days after the baby is born. Its symptoms include:- Swollen stomach.
- Vomiting, removing the fluid is green or brown.
- Loss of appetite.
- Constipation or constipation, so make the baby became fussy.
- Diarrhea
Hirschsprung's disease can also be detected when a baby enters the childhood. The symptoms of Hirschsprung's disease in children include:
- Swollen stomach.
- Chronic constipation.
- Flatulence.
- The development is impaired.
- Often feel exhausted.
The Diagnosis Of Hirschsprung's Disease
To diagnose Hirschsprung's disease, doctors will usually ask a number of questions regarding the cycle of waste water of patients first. Next, the doctor will do some checks consist of:- Abdominal x-ray with contrast fluid. The stomach of the patient will be examined with the radiology contrast method, i.e. by inserting another contrast barium or fluid into the intestine with a special tube through the rectum/anus. Barium it will fulfill the intestinal lining, and then create the silhouette of the colon and rectum. An x-ray will show the difference between the narrow part and the part that widened.
- Measure the performance of the muscles around the rectum. Manometri tests will be conducted to find out the condition of the patients are children or adults. In carrying out this test, the doctor will be blowing a balloon inside the rectum. If the muscles around the rectum is not relaxed, then the positive patients undergoing Hirschsprung's disease.
- Take a sample of colon tissue/biopsy. This test is the most accurate method for identifying Hirschsprung's disease. Biopsy sample was collected and then examined with a microscope to see the nerve cells that are problematic.
Treatment Of Hirschsprung's Disease
To cure the Hirschsprung's disease, doctors will perform the surgery to the patient. The operation was carried out to cut part of the colon that does not have nerve cells. The lining of the colon that is problematic is lifted, then part of the colon that is normally drawn from within and is connected directly to the anus. This is usually done with laparoscopic surgery or minimally invasive surgery via the anus.
Before surgery, patients are not allowed to get breast milk and consuming food. Instead, the intake of food and drink is channeled through an infusion. In addition, the contents of the stomach of the patient will also be removed and cleaned of any substance, whether liquid, gas, or solid, to streamline operations.
Children who experience the Hirschsprung's disease with high severity will undergo a two-stage operation. Originally, the part of the colon that is problematic, then expelled from the body in the stool through the artificial hole on the surface of the abdomen that is commonly called a stoma. The process of making a hole in the abdomen is called with ostomy. After that, the stoma, and intestines will be connected directly to the rectum/anus.
There are two stages to do in ostomy, colostomy and ileostomy IE. Ileostomy is a surgical procedure in which a doctor throw the entire large intestine and connects the small intestine with a stoma. Feces out of the body through the stoma. While the colostomy is a procedure where the doctor will make a stoma on the ends of the colon. Feces out of the body through the ends of the colon.
After all the circuit is completed, doctors will close the last hole of the mounting place artificial stoma, and connects the healthy intestinal to the rectum or anus. After surgery, the patient can slowly waste water normally. Some of them may be having diarrhea for a few days after surgery.
Recovery after surgery
After surgery, patients need several days to lead a recovery in the hospital. The doctor will prescribe pain medication and got food intake through a drip until his condition improves. During recovery, patients are advised to consume plenty of fluids.
Although an immediate trip operating smoothly, the patient could not be healed completely because they need time to learn to move the bowel muscles so that feces can exit the body. This surgery can cause long-term impact of such infections, constipation, stomach swelled, or leakage of stool.
For a year after surgery, the patient should remain in the surveillance because they have a big enough risk to disease enterokolistis. Enterokolistis is characterized by the presence of bleeding in the rectum, diarrhea, fever, swelling of the abdomen, and vomiting. If it finds any of these symptoms, contact your doctor immediately.
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