
Meet the Nutritional balance with the dinner plate Guide

Coutii Healthy - Balanced nutritional intake is one of the important factors that play a role in supporting the health of a person. Simply satisfy hunger, it is not enough. When consuming food, balanced nutrition must be heeded. Now, there's an easier way to do it.

To obtain a balanced nutrition, required the consumption of a variety of different food groups. These foods should ideally comprise a wide range of nutrients, including protein, carbohydrates, fats, fiber, minerals, and vitamins.

How To Apply

Generally, a balanced nutritional diet is portrayed as a pyramid. However, it can now be used to fulfill the dinner plate guide nutrition balanced. The following explanation:

  • ½ of a dinner plate, consisting of vegetable and fruits with various types and colors.
  • ¼ of a dinner plate, filled with protein. You can choose fish, chicken or beans. Limit consumption of red meat or processed meat, such as sausage.
  • ¼ of dinner plates filled with carbohydrates from whole grains, whole wheat, brown rice, or pasta. The sugar content of bread or white rice belongs to high. Therefore, be careful if you have problems with your blood sugar.
  • Complete with a bit of healthy oils, such as olive oil, soybean oil, corn oil, and canola oil. Avoid oils containing high cholesterol or saturated fat.
  • Consumption of water is sufficient, but limit the milk and its derivatives products. Dairy consumption should only 1-2 glasses of juice per day, approximately one glass per day, and avoid drinks with a high sugar content.

Apply to everyone

Strive to consume at least three food groups. The later, consumption of food groups that have not been fulfilled at the time of the next meal.

If you are consuming foods that are already mixed, like spaghetti Meatball complemented the meat and vegetables, not that can not meet the Guide dinner plate. Make sure the serving of vegetables and fruit more than protein and pasta that is served. Limit the use of sauce that also contain high fat and salt.

Guide to the dinner plate to meet the balanced nutrition can be applied to all persons, both have ideal body weight, or who are experiencing overweight.

However, this guide may not be used for children aged under two years, due to their different nutritional needs. Similarly for people who need to undergo a special diet because of certain medical conditions. Consult first with your doctor or a nutritionist before applying this diet.

Supported An Active Lifestyle

The pattern of healthy living is not just limited to the balanced nutrition intake. Any foods and beverages contain calories, which are used as energy when activity. Therefore, it is important to have an active lifestyle and exercise regularly, so that calories can be burned and not just hoarded

When the body is not active and consumption exceed the number of calories your body needs, then the calories will be stored as fat. It can then make the weight increased.

In addition to avoiding weight gain, exercise and activity can also safeguard health, while simultaneously pressing the risk of heart disease, diabetes, and stroke. It is recommended to move and exercise with intensity being around 30 minutes per day.

Apply a balanced nutritional diet dinner plate with guide, equipped with an active lifestyle. Nutritional consult your physician if you have any dietary or special health conditions before applying it.

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